Retiring in uncertain times.


If your retiring this year (2021) or you recently retired in 2020 how can you protect your future given the uncertainty we saw this last year?

A lot of traditional advice says to diversify your investments. Most of the time they mean within your current investment vehicle i.e. 401k or IRA. Many advisors overlook what could be a perfect diversification tool mostly due to the fact that they have no experience with them.

Most brokers or investment managers have little or no experience with Insurance based financial tools.

I’m talking about Insurance tools. Most brokers or investment managers have little or no experience with Insurance based financial tools. Unfortunately that means that you don’t have all of the options available to you that can really shore up and guarantee your retirement future.

I encourage you to listen to this recent podcast and video that addresses specific retirement strategies that you can use right now to make sure your future is unaffected by any volatility in the market or global events.

Your future doesn’t need to have uncertainty built into it. I would love to talk with you about your retirement goals and show you the options that are available that you may never have heard about. My only goal is to make sure you have all the tools possible to make your retirement great.

Let me know what your retirement goals are and lets get together (virtually or in person if possible) and discover together what your future could look like.

If you are retiring this year, in the near future, or if you retired recently, this episode is for you. John addresses the uncertainty that 2020 has taught us the future can hold, and how to protect yourself from that uncertainty.

Or watch the video.